Call Us: (770) 484-2449

Submission Infomation

Submission Info

  • Out of State and International Submissions:

iSubmit Talent enjoys receiving out of state and international submissions from serious minded talent who understand the commitment required in the Entertainment business. All submissions are seriously considered. If you are interested we will contact you to discuss representation and the scheduling of an appointment.

  • Submission Page:

To seek representation from iSubmit Talent, please follow the proceeding steps to create an application package which you will submit to the agency by mail for our agents to review.

1.) To begin with your application package we need to see current, non-professional color photos of the applicant. On each photo, be sure to add the talent's name, date of birth, clothing size, height, weight, and contact information to the back. If the talent has previous experience, a current comp card/headshot will be fine. Please remember that we are not making any decisions based on the quality of the submitted photo, we are looking at how photogenic the child seems to be and how they relate to the camera.

2.) Along with your photos, you MUST include a self-addressed stamped envelope that is big enough for us to return your photos along with your response letter.

3.) Once you have your photos please submit them on our submission page. Click on the link below.

Click Here for submission page.

4.) The final step for you might just be the hardest because the only thing left for you to do is wait. The agency will review your photos within 2-3 weeks and once we have come to a decision we will return your photo submitted online along with a response letter. If we feel like your look could be marketable you will receive an invitation to come in for an interview.

Please note that we prefer color photos, they do NOT have to be professional photos but MUST be current, and you MUST include a self-addressed stamped envelope regardless if you want your pictures returned.

Please do not call the agency to see if we have received your photos as we receive dozens of new talent photos per day. We will mail out responses only after each submission has had the opportunity to be reviewed by an agent. If you enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, we WILL respond to you by mail.

In the case that we feel like we cannot market your child's look through print work, you do have another avenue to try. Have your child prepare a monologue or commercial (this generally applies to children 5 and over) and submit your video to:

iSubmit Talent


7111 Swift Street Suite B,

Lithonia, GA 30058

Please note: iSubmit Talent do not accept follow-up telephone calls, emails or faxes on your submission package, unless requested.